Thursday, December 15, 2011
I really love this song right now! I'm His Girl by Friends:
Friday, September 23, 2011
blue jeans
One of the new artists I've encountered is Lana Del Rey. Well, it appears that homegirl's been manufactured like a Backstreet Boy, so it's not cool to like her... And yes, she apparently decided that collagen injections were the way to go. Well, I can't help it. I really enjoy this song:
I mean, I have no problems with manufactured pop stars or cheesy music in general, so why should an inauthentic indie pop lady bother me? I don't care what she looks like or what she used to be called, I just care if the music is enjoyable. In my opinion, Blue Jeans is. So there.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Haircut time!
Here's my Pinterest pinboard of haircut inspiration: Haircut Ideas.
These are my top three cuts:
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(1) I think my hair might be too puffy for this one, though. |
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(2) This is probably my favorite. |
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(3) No bangs, but I like it! |
Friday, September 2, 2011
On Disappointment...
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Some things:
(1) I went on a trip to Chicago with my mom! I had lots of fun, ate some awesome cupcakes and macarons, and shopped like it was my job.
(2) I turned 30! I find it hard to believe, but it's true... My twenties are over, and I guess I'm ok with that.
(3) I finished my first semester of library school with a 4.0! I worked harder than I ever had, and I am so grateful for those A's!
I'm going to try to blog a lot more now that I have a little bit of time off from school. There are lots of things that I want to catch up on: reading, crafting, blogging, relaxing!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Seriously. One of those days.
What will I do on my days off?
(1) Read! I have been on a major reading kick lately. I've been tracking it all on my Goodreads page... Let's be friends!
(3) Sleep.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Only 29 days left...
Here's the list again, as it was when I posted it in my very first blog entry:
Things To Do Before 30
1. Lose weight
3. Post something every single day
5. Start a new Etsy shop to sell vintage stuff
6. Learn to knit on circular needles
7. Learn some basic CSS
8. Get some basic Photoshop skills
9. Go on a fun weekend trip
So, let's see where we are today...
1. Lose weight: This one is still in progress. Since May 2010, I have lost 52 pounds. I could honestly stay where I am now and feel fine, but I would really love to lose at least another 40 pounds.
2. Start a blog. Done!
3. Post something every single day: Failure on this one! Oh well.
4. Get accepted into Library School: Done! I'm actually almost done with my first semester!
5. Start a new Etsy shop to sell vintage stuff: Haven't done this yet. Due to my workload & library school, I've actually had to put my regular Etsy shop on vacation.
6. Learn to knit on circular needles: I'm going to do this!
7. Learn some basic CSS: I have been working on this one. I will definitely be able to cross it off once my birthday comes around.
8. Get some basic Photoshop skills: I've been using GIMP, because I'm cheap... But I've picked up some minor skillz, I think!
9. Go on a fun weekend trip: This one will be done once my birthday rolls around. I've planned a five day birthday party for myself in Chicago with my mom, sister, aunts, and nieces. I'm SO EXCITED for it!
Even though I haven't gotten super far on my list, and there's only 29 days left, I still feel pretty good about all the things I have accomplished this year. I graduated college, started grad school, lost a bunch of weight, started getting healthy, and have really pushed hard to live more of the life I'd like to live. I'm going to come up with 31 things to do before I turn 31, too!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I actually read a book for fun!
So, I have been so ridiculously busy lately. Library school = tons of work, all the time, and I am starting to pick up lots of hours at the 'Bux. It seemed like my days of pleasure reading were over, at least for the near future. Last weekend, I went with my mom to Target, and on a whim, I bought a copy of Shiver. I'd heard of the book, but I didn't really think it was something I would be into. My plan was to save it until August, when I will have a few weeks off from school, but on Sunday night, I had a little spare time before bed. I read the first few chapters, and I was hooked. Even though I had to work Monday afternoon, I was able to finish it within 24 hours.
I never really thought I'd be interested in a werewolf story, but this book was a lot different from what I expected. I really enjoy Stiefvater's writing style, and while initially I didn't think that dual narrators could work, it actually worked REALLY well.
What I found especially awesome was the fact that Grace was not some helpless baby, as so many of the female protagonists seem to be in paranormal romancey YA books lately. I mean, I'm not totally hatin'... I love fluff, I thoroughly enjoyed the Twilight books (for what they were; it's not like I thought they were amazing literature or anything). But I think it is important for girls to read about girls who can actually take care of themselves, and don't need to be saved. In fact, there was definitely some role reversal in this book, in terms of who saved who.
I could talk a lot more about this book, but I just got home with Linger! I need to quickly do some homework so that I won't have to feel guilty for staying up late to read.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
No time to write a real post... I have to be at work at 7 am tomorrow, so I need to go to sleep. I have to finish up a blog post for a group project as well.
Tomorrow is Father's Day, a pretty depressing holiday for those of us who have lost our fathers... I'm sure it will get better the more time that passes, but now, only a year later, it's still pretty sad. Usually the sadness only comes through when I hear of someone's dad being sick, or when someone dies. Or maybe if I hear Steely Dan (he was a fan) on the radio. My dad wasn't a perfect guy, and we didn't even always get along. But he was my dad. And it is really hard to accept that I am never ever going to get the chance to see him or talk to him again.
So I am just going to hope that we don't get a lot of people taking their dads out for coffee at my store tomorrow. And that I don't have to help too many people who want to buy a present for their dad. Maybe it won't be too bad, and I'll just be distracted by all the things I have going on.
I didn't intend to write out this bummer post, but I guess it's been on my mind. :(
Monday, June 13, 2011
Best Coast + Design
The album I've been listening to the most lately is Best Coast's Crazy For You. It is amazing, and I keep listening to it over and over. It has helped me through a monster of a Microsoft Access assignment, a bunch of reading, and a few webdesign projects. Here's one of my favorite jams:
On the webdesign tip, can I just say how hard it is for me to design things that are not cutesy? Cute is my default. Unfortunately, cute is not really appropriate for library school group blogs. :( I think I was able to come up with some nice, adult designs, but it took me so much longer than it would to design a personal blog. Oh well.
In other news: I got a haircut today! Nothing exciting, just a trim and some bangs. I also heard back from a friend who gave me the good news that I'll be able to start volunteering at her library very soon! I'm super excited about it; she's a youth services librarian, and I am going to be helping in her department. Youth services is the area that I am interested in, so I can't wait!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
I have finally met a computer program that bewilders me. Even with a million video tutorials and a $40 guidebook, I'm still pretty lost. I've pretty much managed to fumble my way through this assignment for my Information Technology class, but it's taken me hours. And I just know that the things I am doing are probably SO BASIC, and anyone who is used to using Access would be able to finish in, like, 20 minutes. Eep.
The good thing is that every time I figure out how to do some new thing, I get this great sense of accomplishment. Tiny victories, I guess.
Friday, June 3, 2011
My work is participating in a Relay for Life event this weekend, and I volunteered to make some reusable coffee sleeves. We will have a table selling coffee, tea, and some overstock of reusable mugs, so I thought sleeves would be a nice complement. It was really hard to find the time to sew, since I have a million projects going on for library school, plus I've had to work really early every morning this week. I have been STRESSED OUT.
Anyway, life has gotten in the way and I've really neglected my blog, as well as my list of things to do before 30. I feel like every minute of my day belongs to work, or library school work, or sleep. It's tough, because undergrad was so easy for me, and I had tons of spare time. Now, I have no time for any of my hobbies, and I feel guilty whenever I sneak a moment for myself. Bleh. Part of me wants to ask for less hours at work, but I've only just begun to start getting a decent schedule, and I really need the money. If I could, I would quit working altogether and just focus on grad school. Unfortunately, I really need the health insurance, so that's just not an option right now. Soon i am hoping to start volunteering at a library, so things are going to get worse before they get better. I'm really trying to work on my time management skills.
If anyone has any suggestions for ways to stop being a procrastinator, holla at me. Please.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Lalaloopsy, finally!
I didn't just stop with this Lalaloopsy doll, though. I went a little crazy shopping tonight. I bought a pair of all black Chucks that I can wear to work, the cutest high waisted black shorts, some black heart shaped sunglasses, and the most awesome Japanese drawing instruction book! I'll probably post some pics of my haul tomorrow, once I get home from work.
I hope you have an excellent Saturday!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
i ♥ my mom!
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My mom with my older brother and sister. |
Friday, May 6, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
New Glasses?
Just in case, I've been searching around for cute glasses. Here are a few pairs by Ray-Ban that I'm in love with:
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These are my absolute favorites. If I get glasses, these will be the ones! |
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I don't think these would work for me, but I think they're cute. |
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These would probably make me look ridiculous, but I like 'em anyway. |
Monday, May 2, 2011
Shop Restock!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I intended to write a post every single day on this blog, but that really hasn't happened.
I've had a busy two weeks, and I haven't really had the time to write out any blog posts. Wednesday and Thursday I took the last two final exams of my undergraduate career, and I'll be graduating on May 4th. Plus I've finally been picking up some decent hours at work, so between that and studying, I'm usually just ready to lay around the house when I have any time to myself.
I have been taking lots of fancy photos with my cellphone, which has a pretty nice camera on it (it's a Droid Incredible), and I've been testing out different photography apps. My favorite so far is Vignette, and I plan to do a review of it sometime in the near future.
Soon I will post on a more regular schedule!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A week from today I will officially be a college graduate. I'm excited, but at the moment, I'm pretty stressed out! I have two finals to study for, but all I want to do is sleep. And, when it's all over, I'm only going to have two weeks off before I start graduate school. Eep!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Pineapple Cupcakes!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Song of the Day!
So, since my France Gall dreams were dashed, I've picked another favorite, Brigitte Bardot singing Moi Je Joue:
It makes me really depressed to think of how awesome Brigitte Bardot once was, and how totally cray-cray she's become. Alas. I choose to ignore the insanity and remember the good music and foxy looks.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the song and that you have an excellent Good Friday! Tomorrow I'll be blogging an amazing cupcake recipe and announcing a special giveaway.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thursday Morning Projects
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I ♥ Pinterest!
Are you on Pinterest? Let's be friends! Here's a link to my boards: hellojenny on Pinterest.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Tutorial Tuesday!
On this first Tutorial Tuesday, I have three super cute bag tutorials. All of them are easy and don't require a lot of hard-to-find materials. I hope you find something that you'd really like to make!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
What's in My Bag
I bought it a few weeks ago at Marshalls. It's by Emilie M. and I fell in love with the color scheme and pattern. It feels nice and Spring-y, and I couldn't wait to start using it.
What's in My Bag
1. envelope full of receipts, coupons, and notes
2. pink case w/fawn on it for my DS Lite. Also has lots of games inside.
3. Pink Nintendo DS Lite with Hello Kitty skin
4. my phone (Droid Incredible)
5. my post-oral surgery medicine
6. iPad
7. my wallet (yes, it's a happy hot dog)
8. Lil' Creeper
9. Chap-Stick Lip Moisturizer
10. Gold Bond Ultimate Healing lotion
& blue Pen
11. Besu pouch with makeup inside
Saturday, April 16, 2011
too much ice cream

This past Wednesday I had to have some wisdom teeth (and some of their friends) surgically extracted. It was a really bizarre experience, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't experience major anxiety leading up to the procedure. While I was worrying about how bad the actual extractions were going to be, I forgot to worry about the biggest thing of all: what was I going to eat after the surgery? I am not able to eat any solids right now (or for the foreseeable future), I can't use any straws, and I'm not supposed to have anything hot. Plus, I've been on Weight Watchers since January, so I really don't want to go crazy eating ice cream.
So, since Wednesday, I've been surviving on the following foods:
Fage 0% greek yogurt with honey
reduced fat coffee ice cream
sugar-free Jell-o pudding
instant mashed potatoes
canned soups with no chunks (this really limits my options!)

All I want right now is some bread or solid cheese! Chicken! I am so sick of sweet things, and all of the processed foods are making my stomach upset. Seriously, I never thought a time would come where I would be sick of ice cream, but it's happened. The only thing I am really excited about is the Fage with honey; that stuff is amazing!
If anyone has any ideas for delicious liquidy foods, please let me know! I am running out of options and it's giving me a major sad!
Friday, April 15, 2011
hello there!
In three and a half months, I am turning 30, and I have a little list of goals that I'd like to accomplish before that happens. First and foremost, I want to start a blog and post something every single day. So, in starting All My Friends Are Plastic I am able to cross something off my list, which I've shared below. Hopefully, by July 30th (my birthday), all of my goals will be complete.
Things To Do Before 30
1. Lose weight
3. Post something every single day
5. Start a new Etsy shop to sell vintage stuff
6. Learn to knit on circular needles
7. Learn some basic CSS
8. Get some basic Photoshop skills
9. Go on a fun weekend trip
Items in bold are currently in progress. Items that are crossed off are complete. I will continue to add goals to the list as my birthday gets closer.