Saturday, April 30, 2011


April 28 by hello jenny
April 28, a photo by hello jenny on Flickr.

I intended to write a post every single day on this blog, but that really hasn't happened.

I've had a busy two weeks, and I haven't really had the time to write out any blog posts. Wednesday and Thursday I took the last two final exams of my undergraduate career, and I'll be graduating on May 4th. Plus I've finally been picking up some decent hours at work, so between that and studying, I'm usually just ready to lay around the house when I have any time to myself.

I have been taking lots of fancy photos with my cellphone, which has a pretty nice camera on it (it's a Droid Incredible), and I've been testing out different photography apps. My favorite so far is Vignette, and I plan to do a review of it sometime in the near future.

Soon I will post on a more regular schedule!


K said...

I love this picture! I would totally order a big print of this!

jenny said...

Thanks, Kaysie!

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