Last month, I applied for a pretty amazing internship. I tried not to let myself get too excited about it, but when I was contacted for an interview, I couldn't help it. I wanted it! I picked out a cute outfit, I updated my resume, and I obsessed over what questions I might be asked. The day of the interview came, and I drove out to the library and did my very (nervous!) best. A few days later, a letter arrived from the library, so of course, I knew what it meant. It was a very nice rejection, but boy did I ever cry. I can't think of a time when I've been so disappointed; for the few hours after receiving the letter, it felt like the end of the world.
I moped around a bit, and then made a spur of the moment decision to hop in the car and drive the hour down to Ann Arbor where my fella is away at school. It was exactly the right thing to do, and I was cheered up almost immediately. I ate my feelings and walked around and realized that everything's fine. No, I didn't get the internship, but it was the first one I applied for. I was one of only a few people who was even interviewed, and I gained some valuable experience. Plus, I just got promoted at my job, and I'm going to be working a lot more hours. I'm not really sure how I would have juggled grad school, 40 hours a week at the coffee shop, plus 12 hours at a library that's almost an hour from home.
Pictures from my quick trip to Ann Arbor:
A giant onion ring from the Fleetwood Diner |
Bubble tea from Bubble Island! |
Maybe not looking my best, but I was definitely cheered up at this point! |
I'm constantly hoping that good things will come to those who wait.
Cute pic, Jenny <3
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