I enjoy dolls (I have quite a few Blythes, a Dal, and a Pukifee Ante, among others), getting crafty, crochet, knitting, sewing, reading, libraries, the internets, snark, watching movies and TV, drawing, shopping, thrift stores, my cat George Washington (and his brother Chairman Miao, who lives with my boo), kitsch, baking, all things kawaii, the 50's, 60's, and 90's, magazines, and blogs.

I'm going to be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology in May 2011, and I just found out that I've been accepted into graduate school, where I'll be working on a masters degree in Library and information Science. I'm really excited!
I currently work as a barista for a certain chain coffee shop. I also have an Etsy shop, Hello Buraisu, where I sell headbands, clothes, and other accessories for Blythe dolls.