This past Wednesday I had to have some wisdom teeth (and some of their friends) surgically extracted. It was a really bizarre experience, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't experience major anxiety leading up to the procedure. While I was worrying about how bad the actual extractions were going to be, I forgot to worry about the biggest thing of all: what was I going to eat after the surgery? I am not able to eat any solids right now (or for the foreseeable future), I can't use any straws, and I'm not supposed to have anything hot. Plus, I've been on Weight Watchers since January, so I really don't want to go crazy eating ice cream.
So, since Wednesday, I've been surviving on the following foods:
Fage 0% greek yogurt with honey
reduced fat coffee ice cream
sugar-free Jell-o pudding
instant mashed potatoes
canned soups with no chunks (this really limits my options!)

All I want right now is some bread or solid cheese! Chicken! I am so sick of sweet things, and all of the processed foods are making my stomach upset. Seriously, I never thought a time would come where I would be sick of ice cream, but it's happened. The only thing I am really excited about is the Fage with honey; that stuff is amazing!
If anyone has any ideas for delicious liquidy foods, please let me know! I am running out of options and it's giving me a major sad!
how about making some soups from scratch?
like broccoli & cheese, roasted red pepper, potato, etc.
i hope you're able to eat real food again soon!
Baby food!
After I had dental surgery earlier this year I had to go on a liquid diet for a couple weeks - it was SO HARD! I feel your pain.
I ended up making friends with the blender because I missed eating fresh fruit so much. The bummer thing is that you need a shit-ton of oranges (or whatever) to make the tiniest bit of liquid. In the end I ended up drinking a bunch of Simply Apple, Simply Orange, etc.
I also cheated just a little and let white bread soak into broth until it was practically liquid and just made sure to swallow it whole without chewing. Not particularly satisfying but it did help me feel more full.
May the force be with you!
Ouch :( I had mine removed in the Netherlands. They sent me to the hospital for the surgery but decided not to sedate me so I was awake for it. Pretty traumatic. How are you healing up? +1 for the home made and blended soup request.
I'm om Weight Watchers too! I guess if anything you will have a good weigh in next week lol.
Sioux: Thanks for the suggestion, I have a recipe for potato soup that I've been wanting to make, I think I'll try it out tomorrow.
Kays: I looked at baby food, but couldn't find anything I wanted. Plus it didn't seem like there was a lot of nutritional value in the stuff I was interested in (like fruits), and there is no way I am eating meat flavored goo!
Anne: I think I am going to have to try out the soaking bread thing. I am so sick of sweets! The worst thing is that I thought I'd only be off solids for a few days... I didn't realize that it would be weeks!
2:22: I was awake for my surgery too, it was pretty insane! I had a lot of pain for one of the teeth, but the others were better. I have already weighed in once, and I was down a pound after being at the same weight for 2 weeks, so that was good!
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