Wednesday, February 29, 2012


It's been a long time since I've updated my blog, but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. School and work have kept me very busy for the past few months, but I'm trying to learn how to organize my time a little better. I get so much more stressed out when I don't make time for myself and the things that I enjoy.

This semester I am taking classes in reference services and software productivity tools. Lots of reading and playing around with Microsoft Office! I've been doing some on-site observations at a local library, and I feel like I've learned a lot. Being in the library has really driven home how much I want to do this as a career, and has pushed me harder to look around for more opportunities to start working in a library. I've probably written 15 cover letters this week, and I've been applying to jobs and internships left and right.

I got some really awesome new glasses from Coastal a few weeks ago! I had been dying for a pair of the Ray-Ban cat-eye glasses, but I couldn't find anyplace near me that had them and had them cheap. I saw a link to Coastal on a random blog and started browsing and came across the most bomb pair ever!!! They're by a company called Love and they have little hearts on the corners! They come in a bunch of different colors, so I think I'm probably going to get a few more pairs. There was a coupon code to get your first pair free, so I only had to pay for shipping. Best impulse purchase ever!

Tomorrow is the beginning of March, so I've signed up for 30 Days of Lists. I'm pretty excited to start out, and I really hope I am able to stick with it. I'm going to get off the internets now and get to work on making a super-cute notebook to put my lists into. XO!


Miss Miranda said...

Don't feel bad about taking a break. When you do only love the things you missed more! Your blog is so cute! :)

Anne said...

I love the glasses! And I'm happy for you that you're getting balance -I've been striving for the same thing myself.

Jenny S. said...

Miss Miranda: Thanks! I worked really hard on my blog's design, so I'm glad you think it looks cute!

Anne: Getting balance is definitely a lot of work, but it's worth the effort. I think that soon it will all just fall into place and I won't have to try so hard anymore. I hope that you're able to balance it all out, too! And thanks for the glasses compliment!

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